Traffic Management

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Lift Hire Ireland is equipped to handle all problems and challenges in regards to ensuring that works can be carried out high traffic areas with limited risk to passing pedestrians. Our Traffic Management teams are trained in a wide variety of courses to ensure that they are fully prepared to deal with any conditions they find themselves in. They are also equipped with the means in which to carry out their duties to the highest degree.

We are committed to make sure that no matter how small our tasks are we will preform to the highest standards. We’re the only company in Ireland that have access to pedestrian tunnels, giving pedestrians more streamlined walkways and safer control on traffic.

Traffic Management - Lift Hire Ireland

Specialists in Safety

Since the introduction of chapter 8 to the roadwork requirements in Ireland all MEWPs being used on Public roadways or footpaths must have traffic management in place. At Lift Hire Ireland we have a dedicated team who work on traffic management plans, notifications, permits and installations all across Ireland. Our crews are fully trained and competent in traffic management installations.

Our Traffic Management Training

Our Traffic Management Equipment

Traffic Cones


Traffic Signs

Pedestrian Tunnels